St. Mary of the Assumption Church

Sacrament of Marriage


Welcome and thank you for contacting St. Mary of the Assumption Parish regarding your pending wedding. We congratulate you on your engagement and your decision to celebrate the beginning of your lives together as husband and wife in the presence of God and His church.  We are pleased and ready to assist you in the year-long process of discernment, preparation and planning.

The Catholic Church understands marriage as a “covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life” (Catechism 1601). When both spouses are baptized, their marriage is a sacrament, called matrimony. As a Catholic Church we are most interested in assisting you in the preparation for married life. 

St. Mary’s Parish welcomes engaged couples who are registered parishioners, whose parents are registered parishioners, or couples living in Waterford or a surrounding community who are interested in becoming registered parishioners.

The initial step in the process is the completion of the Preliminary Wedding Application. Please take the time to share with us information about each of you as well as the date and time you are requesting your marriage take place.  Upon receiving your application, we will contact you to either schedule an appointment, request more information, and/or advise you on whether we can accommodate your request.

The discernment, preparation and planning process has several important steps, which are described in the   Marriage Preparation Packet. Feel free to print this document out and review it for answers to many of your questions.

St. Marys Wedding